A Roman Catholic Community in East Greenbush, NY

Mass Intention Request

The practice of offering a Mass for a specific intention is a tradition deeply rooted in the history of the Catholic Church.  If you would like Church of the Holy Spirit to say a Mass for a special intention , please fill out the form below.  After you fill out the form, we ask that you make a donation in accordance with the tradition of offering a stipend to the priest saying Mass for your intention.  The minimun donation is $15 and you can send a check to the parish or feel free to place your donation in the collection basket on Sunday (with Mass intention clearly displayed in the memo).  In addition to saying Mass for your intention, Holy Spirit will also send a card to let the person of your choice know that a Mass is being offered at your request. 

Mass Intention Request



What does it mean to have a Mass "offered" for someone?

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