A Roman Catholic Community in East Greenbush, NY

Respect Life Team

Respect Life

The Respect Life Team believes every life is sacred and valuable, from conception to natural death.  Prayer is always the most important starting point of our ministry.  We must always pray to God to protect and love every life. 

The team encourages a culture of life in various ways: blessing of children in the womb; raises money for maternity services; offers a hand to new parents.  Team members educate themselves on issues such as assisted suicide, abortion, and fertility.  They invite speakers to talk about various issues, and they plan events. 

The team has been commissioned by Bishop Scharfenberger. 

If this is a ministry that you are interested in joining, please contact Darlene Walzer: walzerdarlene@gmail.com 

Building a Culture of Life in a Post-Roe World - A statement by Archbishop William Lori, Chairman, USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities

Resources for Expecting Mothers in Need